This page is part of, a huge, precise dictionary of product types and brand names for marking up Web sites with or the GoodRelations e-commerce standard.
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rdfs:subClassOf gr:ProductOrService,
rdfs:label Floristry (as a class or brand name of products of services)
تزيين بالزهور@ar;
Floristik (Handwerk)@de;
is rdfs:domain of gr:category gr:color gr:condition gr:depth gr:hasEAN_UCC-13 gr:hasGTIN-14 gr:hasMPN gr:hasManufacturer gr:hasStockKeepingUnit gr:height gr:isAccessoryOrSparePartFor gr:isConsumableFor gr:isSimilarTo gr:weight gr:width
is rdfs:range of gr:includes gr:isAccessoryOrSparePartFor gr:isConsumableFor gr:isSimilarTo
Note: This is a generic list. Some of the properties may not be applicable to this particular type of object.
Trademark Disclaimer: Since this service returns class descriptions for potentiall any series of characters, it cannot indicate automatically whether a name is a registered trademark or otherwise protected. We assume no liability for the absence of trademark rights and other damages. See the section "License" below for details.
One of the most powerful usages of the class definitions from this site is to describe the type of your page and product for the product markup in Microdata syntax much more precisely.
Simply add the full URI of a class from this site, e.g. as an additional type as follows:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="additionalType" href="" />
<!-- other properties go in here -->
Note: In HTML5, it is valid to use the <link> element in the body of a HTML document.
Here is a complete example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>An offer to sell a / some Floristry</title>
<div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#product">
<link itemprop="additionalType" href="" />
<span itemprop="name">.. a short name for the object ...</span>
Product description:
<span itemprop="description">... a longer description ...</span>
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#offer">
<span itemprop="price">$19.99</span>
<link itemprop="availability" href="" />In stock
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix pto: <> .
@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix foo: <> .
# The object
foo:myObject a <> ;
a gr:SomeItems ;
gr:name "... a short name for the object ..."@en ;
gr:description "... a longer description ..."@en .
# The agent (person or company) who is offering it
foo:ACMECorp a gr:BusinessEntity ;
gr:legalName "ACME Corp" ;
gr:offers foo:Offer .
# The offer to sell it
foo:Offer a gr:Offering ;
gr:includes foo:myObject;
foaf:page <>;
gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:Sell ;
gr:validFrom "2011-01-24T00:00:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
gr:validThrough "2011-12-24T00:00:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
[ a gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
gr:hasCurrency "USD"^^xsd:string ;
gr:hasCurrencyValue "19.99"^^xsd:float ;
gr:validThrough "2011-12-24T00:00:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ] .
Note: Replace gr:SomeItems ( by gr:Individual if you are describing a unique object of that kind (e.g. antique furniture).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html version="HTML+RDFa 1.1" xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>An offer to sell a / some Floristry</title>
<div xmlns:rdf=""
<!-- The agent (person or company) who is offering it -->
<div about="#ACMECorp" typeof="gr:BusinessEntity">
<div property="gr:legalName">ACME Corp</div>
<div rel="gr:offers">
<!-- The offer to sell it -->
<div about="#offer" typeof="gr:Offering">
<div rel="gr:hasBusinessFunction" resource=""></div>
<div rel="gr:includes">
<!-- The object -->
<div about="#myObject" typeof="">
<div rel="rdf:type" resource=""></div>
<div property="gr:description" xml:lang="en">... a longer description ...</div>
<div property="gr:name" xml:lang="en">.. a short name for the object ...</div>
<div rel="foaf:page" resource="http://URI_of_the_page_containing_the_offer"></div>
<div rel="gr:hasPriceSpecification">
<div typeof="gr:UnitPriceSpecification">
<div property="gr:hasCurrency" content="USD" datatype="xsd:string">$ </div>
<div property="gr:hasCurrencyValue" datatype="xsd:float">19.99</div>
<div property="gr:validThrough" content="2011-12-24T00:00:00+01:00"
<div property="gr:validFrom" content="2011-01-24T00:00:00+01:00"
<div property="gr:validThrough" content="2011-12-24T00:00:00+01:00"
Note: Replace gr:SomeItems ( by gr:Individual if you are describing a unique object of that kind (e.g. antique furniture).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:gr=""
<!-- The object -->
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<gr:name xml:lang="en">... a short name for the object ...</gr:name>
<gr:description xml:lang="en">... a longer description ...</gr:description>
<!-- The agent (person or company) who is offering it -->
<gr:BusinessEntity rdf:about="">
<gr:legalName>ACME Corp</gr:legalName>
<gr:offers rdf:resource="" />
<!-- The offer to sell it -->
<gr:Offering rdf:about="">
<gr:includes rdf:resource="" />
<foaf:page rdf:resource="http://URI_of_the_page_containing_the_offer"/>
<gr:hasBusinessFunction rdf:resource=""/>
<gr:validFrom rdf:datatype="">
<gr:validThrough rdf:datatype="">
<gr:hasCurrency rdf:datatype="">USD</gr:hasCurrency>
<gr:hasCurrencyValue rdf:datatype="">19.99</gr:hasCurrencyValue>
<gr:validThrough rdf:datatype="">
Note: Replace gr:SomeItems ( by gr:Individual if you are describing a unique object of that kind (e.g. antique furniture).
prefix foaf: <>
prefix xsd: <>
prefix pto: <>
prefix gr: <>
prefix foo: <>
# Find the cheapest offer for a Floristry
?company gr:offers ?offer .
?offer a gr:Offering .
?offer gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:Sell .
OPTIONAL {?offer rdfs:label ?label } .
OPTIONAL {?offer gr:name ?label } .
OPTIONAL {?offer rdfs:comment ?label } .
OPTIONAL {?offer gr:description ?label } .
?offer gr:hasPriceSpecification ?p .
?p a gr:UnitPriceSpecification .
?p gr:hasCurrency ?currency .
?p gr:hasCurrencyValue ?price .
?offer gr:includes ?product .
?product a <> .
ORDER BY (?price)
You can also use the class definitions from this site for better describing the type of your page or product for the Facebook Open Graph Protocol.
Simply define the namespace prefix pto: in the <html> element of your page
<html version="HTML+RDFa 1.1"
and use the compact URI (CURIE) pto:Floristry in combination with og:type as follows:
<meta property="og:type" content="pto:Floristry"/>
A complete example is here.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp
E-Business and Web Science Research Group
Chair of General Management and E-Business
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany
Phone: +49 89 6004-4217
eMail: mhepp(at) (preferred mode of communication)
In order to minimize the load on the Wikipedia API, all requests are cached internally for 72 hours. This means that changes to the English Wikipedia will be available in this service within 72 hours or less if the same entry has been requested before. Classes not requested within the last six hours are always guaranteed to be in sync with the latest version in Wikipedia.
The RDF/XML dump file is updated every 12 hours only.
The class definition text is taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. Accordingly, the ontology class definitions are available under the very same license.
Trademark Disclaimer: Since this service returns class descriptions for potentially any series of characters, it cannot indicate automatically whether a name is a registered trademark or otherwise protected. If you want us to block a certain name, please send your request including proof of your rights on the name to our contact address listed below.. Any of the trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used, or cited in this service are the property of their respective owners. Their use here does not imply that you may use them for any purpose other than for the same or a similar informational use as contemplated by the original authors of the underlying Wikipedia articles under the CC-BY-SA and GFDL licensing schemes. is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with any of the holders of any such rights and as such cannot grant any rights to use any otherwise protected materials. Your use of any such or similar incorporeal property is at your own risk.
Thanks to Stefano Bertolo, Julien Chaumond, Bob Ferris, Kingsley Idehen, Axel Polleres, Andreas Radinger, Alex Stolz, and Giovanni Tummarello for very valuable feedback, and to Katharina Siorpaes and Daniel Bachlechner, who contributed to the initial analysis of the stability of Wikipedia URIs back in 2007.
The work on The Product Types Ontology has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Research (BMBF) by a grant under the KMU Innovativ program as part of the Intelligent Match project (FKZ 01IS10022B).
Wikipedia: Floristry, available at
Hepp, Martin: GoodRelations: An Ontology for Describing Products and Services Offers on the Web, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2008), Acitrezza, Italy, September 29 - October 3, 2008, Springer LNCS, Vol 5268, pp. 332-347.
Hepp, Martin; Siorpaes, Katharina; Bachlechner, Daniel: Harvesting Wiki Consensus: Using Wikipedia Entries as Vocabulary for Knowledge Management, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 54-65, Sept-Oct 2007.
Floristry is the production, commerce, and trade in flowers. It encompasses flower care and handling, floral design and arrangement, merchandising, production, display and flower delivery. Wholesale florists sell bulk flowers and related supplies to professionals in the trade. Retail florists offer fresh flowers and related products and services to consumers. The first flower shop in the United States opened prior to 1851. Floristry concerns the cultivation of flowers as well as their arrangement and sale. Much of the raw material supplied for the floristry trade comes from the cut flowers industry. Florist shops, along with online stores, are the main flower-only outlets, but supermarkets, garden supply stores, and filling stations also sell flowers. Floral design or floral arts is the art of creating flower arrangements in vases, bowls, baskets, or other containers, or making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, foliages, herbs, ornamental grasses, and other plant materials. Often the terms "floral design" and "floristry" are considered synonymous. Florists are people who work with flowers and plants, generally at the retail level. Floristry differs from floristics, the study of distribution and relationships of plant species over geographic areas. Floristry also differs from horticulture, which more broadly relates to the cultivation of flowers and plants so they will remain fresh as long as possible, and would be desirable for purchase, which also involves knowledge of customers' requirements and expectations. The ability to create a variety of floral designs such as wreaths, bouquets, corsages, boutonnières/'buttonholes', permanent arrangements, and other more complicated arrangements are also important. Education, both formal and informal, is another significant segment of the floristry industry. Established floristry designers and artists impart their craft to students interested in floral design as hobby or career. Courses are generally available through community colleges, private post-secondary vocational schools, and professional florist trade associations. In the Netherlands, the first horticultural college was founded in 1896 in Naaldwijk; the second horticultural college was founded in 1897 in Aalsmeer. In 1926, the first national professional qualification examinations in floristry were held in the Netherlands. The horticultural college in Aalsmeer celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1972 and in 1997 its 100th anniversary. Since 1926 is the horticultural college in Aalsmeer was called the Rijks Middelbare Tuinbouw School (RTMS). The first professional floristry education started at the RMTS in 1968. The first professor in floristry at the horticultural college in Aalsmeer was Mr. Theo Boerma. In 1972 Theo Boerma started teaching professional evening courses for the floristry diploma: vakdiploma Bloemist-Winkelier. In 1980 Theo Boerma and his wife José Boerma founded the first privately owned floristry school; Boerma Instituut International Floral Design School in Aalsmeer. The floristry diploma was recognized by the Dutch government until 1996. When the borders of Europe opened, the diploma was no longer needed but professional training for Dutch and international students is still organised by the Boerma Instituut. The floristry business has a significant market in the corporate and social event world, as flowers play a large part in the decor of special events and meetings. Centerpieces, entryways, reception tables, bridal bouquets, wedding chuppahs, and stage sets are only a few examples of how flowers are used in the business and social event settings. Flowers are also traditionally used in ecclesiastical settings and their arrangement is often done by skilled church volunteers. (Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
Note: The extraction of the abstract from the Wikipedia page may sometimes yield imperfect results. We are improving the algorithm regularly.